Broadband availability in Hull & East Riding

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to perform a broadband availability check for ‘HU’ postcodes.
The majority of the broadband, TV and phone services in the Hull area are provided by a single company, KCOM.
Hull is unique as the only place in Britain to rely almost entirely on one provider. You can’t buy broadband from Sky, Virgin Media or TalkTalk because none of these ISPs sell broadband in Hull.
As such, is not able to compare deals for postcodes in and around Hull. We apologise for any inconvenience.
I don’t live in Hull – why am I seeing this message?
Our broadband comparison engine uses your postcode to find which deals are available. Unfortunately, because the vast majority of ‘HU’ postcodes are only covered by KCOM, our system rejects these postcodes automatically.
Of course, not all ‘HU’ postcodes are actually in Hull. Some people may live within a ‘HU’ postcode area but not within KCOM’s coverage. If this applies to you, we recommend using the links below to check directly with broadband providers for availability in your area.
Why KCOM controls the Hull network
The area has no BT landlines – and ISPs like Sky and TalkTalk usually rent lines from BT to offer broadband to UK customers.
As a result if you live in Hull, unfortunately you don’t get the option of choosing from Plusnet, Vodafone, BT or any of the other national providers. KCOM own all of the telephone and broadband lines.
The reason? BT never installed telephone lines in Hull in the way that they did everywhere else in the country.
In 1902 Hull City Council were given the right to run their own telephone exchange and the telephone lines have remained in the hands of one company ever since.
KCOM controls all fixed-line sales to residents in the city and surrounding areas, that’s around 200,000 homes and businesses. As of 2017, KCOM has 147,000 customers, around 75% of the East Yorkshire network.
Who else does broadband in Hull?
There is some competition for KCOM from smaller ISPs locally in Hull. Two wireless broadband companies are Purebroadband and Connexin. As we mention above, the only fixed-line home broadband in Hull is through KCOM.