
A large telecoms group selling at the budget end of the market and providing broadband, calls, TV and mobiles.
Recent reviews:
The switching progress was simple. I'm happy I switched. The speed is good.
The transfer process was great and initially everything worked fine. After a few days I started getting problems. All the lights on the router were green, but connectivity was poor on my iPad and iPhone and my laptop reported DNS problems. After much frustration, research and swapping routers, I am now using my old router and I have installed apps on all my computers. I now get reliable internet access. TalkTalk’s help systems were no help. Thankfully, I am a reasonably experienced computer user and I was able to obtain other help online and I was lucky in finding Now that I have got my TalkTalk connection running, it seems to be performing fine, but it is not quite so good at busy times over the weekend.