Best Virgin Media TV & Broadband Deals April 2024

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Broadband Deals » Providers » Virgin Media » Virgin TV

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10  of 23 Virgin Media home broadband deals matched.

  1. Virgin_18_Cable264-Eve&Wkend-BiggerBundle_RX0B8Y

    Virgin Media
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    Over 110 premium channels:

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £96/mo, subject to change.

  2. Virgin_18_Cable264-Eve&Wkend-BigBundle_7JIH5J

    Virgin Media
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    Freeview + 23 premium channels

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £72/mo, subject to change.

  3. Virgin_18_Cable362-Eve&Wkend-BiggerBundle+O2Sim_UPA626

    Virgin Media
    Volt Bundle: includes O2 Mobile SIM with 10GB data!
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    Over 110 premium channels:

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £112/mo, subject to change.

  4. Virgin_18_Cable362-Eve&Wkend-BigBundle+O2Sim_V72JNE

    Virgin Media
    Volt Bundle: includes O2 Mobile SIM with 10GB data!
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    Freeview + 23 premium channels

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £82/mo, subject to change.

  5. Virgin_18_Cable264-Eve&Wkend-BiggerBundle+SkySports_9884QJ

    Virgin Media
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    Over 120 premium channels:

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £137/mo, subject to change.

  6. Virgin_18_Cable362-Eve&Wkend-BiggerBundle+SkySports+O2Sim_SFT23D

    Virgin Media
    Volt Bundle: includes O2 Mobile SIM with 10GB data!
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    Over 120 premium channels:

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £147/mo, subject to change.

  7. Virgin_18_Cable132-Eve&Wkend-BiggestBundle_UV88M5

    Virgin Media
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    Over 130 premium channels:

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £130/mo, subject to change.

  8. Virgin_18_Cable264-Eve&Wkend-BiggerBundle+SkyCinema_0C99CN

    Virgin Media
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    Over 120 premium channels:

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £119/mo, subject to change.

  9. Virgin_18_Cable264-Eve&Wkend-BiggestBundle+O2Sim_B412NV

    Virgin Media
    Volt Bundle: includes O2 Mobile SIM with 10GB data!
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    Over 130 premium channels:

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £140/mo, subject to change.

  10. Virgin_18_Cable264-Eve&Wkend-BiggerBundle+SkyCinema+O2Sim_S83Q5B

    Virgin Media
    Volt Bundle: includes O2 Mobile SIM with 10GB data!
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    Over 120 premium channels:

    Monthly price will increase each April by the RPI rate of inflation published in February + 3.9%.

    Reduced price for 18 months, standard out-of-contract price currently £129/mo, subject to change.

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