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Broadband Deals Comparison Table


28 of 44 deals matched.


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28  of 28 Vodafone mobile broadband deals matched.

  1. Vodafone_24_4GHub-R228t-4GB_350DXK

    Data 4GB /month
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Connect up to 32 Devices

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £6/mo, subject to change.

  2. Vodafone_24_4GDongle-K5161-4GB_DJ292N

    Data 4GB /month
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Vodafone Data Manager App
    • Network Satisfaction Guarantee

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £6/mo, subject to change.

  3. Vodafone_12_4GDongle-K5161-4GB_DNMS55

    Data 4GB /month
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Vodafone Data Manager App
    • Network Satisfaction Guarantee

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £7/mo, subject to change.

  4. Vodafone_12_4GHub-R228t-4GB_L1C91J

    Data 4GB /month
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Connect up to 32 Devices

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £7/mo, subject to change.

  5. Vodafone_12_DataSIMO-4GB_U07402

    Data 4GB /month
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Vodafone Data Manager App
    • Network Satisfaction Guarantee

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £11/mo, subject to change.

  6. Vodafone_1_4GDongle-K5161-4GB_27S6Y7

    Data 4GB /month
    Set-up costs £29 £0(inc. new line)
    • Vodafone Data Manager App
    • Network Satisfaction Guarantee

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £11/mo, subject to change.

  7. Vodafone_1_DataSIMO-4GB_W212BR

    Data 4GB /month
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Vodafone Data Manager App
    • Network Satisfaction Guarantee

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £15/mo, subject to change.

  8. Vodafone_24_DataSIMO-25GB_716B48

    Data 25GB /month
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Vodafone Data Manager App
    • Network Satisfaction Guarantee

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £15/mo, subject to change.

  9. Vodafone_1_4GHub-R228t-4GB_USRD12

    Data 4GB /month
    Set-up costs £49 £0(inc. new line)
    • Connect up to 32 Devices

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £11/mo, subject to change.

  10. Vodafone_24_4GHub-R228t-30GB_H97ZND

    Data 30GB /month
    Set-up costs £0 £0(inc. new line)
    • Connect up to 32 Devices

    Monthly price will increase each April by the CPI rate of inflation published in January + 3.9%.

    Standard out-of-contract price currently £16/mo, subject to change.

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