Apple patent hints at insane new Mac design
Apple submitted a patent for a futuristic mac design that looks straight out of sci-fi

Apple submitted a patent for a futuristic mac design that looks straight out of sci-fi
The 2020 global league table for broadband prices shows best deal in... Syria!?
Read : World broadband prices league table puts UK to shameThe Huawei controversy continues as Boris Johnson says we ‘will not risk British security”.
Read : Why is the UK worried about Huawei and what does this mean for 5G?Who's failing to live up to expectations?
Read : The most complained about home broadband servicesOver half describe themselves as “faffers”, wasting hours online during work.
Read : Brits spend up to 4.9 hours surfing the web at work!Missed fibre rollout target sees vouchers offered to connect everyone.
Mozilla has found a severe flaw in Firefox that could allow hackers to control your computer.
Read : Beware of this Firefox security flaw!Social platform announce new plans to tackle trolling, bots and cyberbullying.
Read : Twitter controversy as ‘reply block’ announced.Make the most of the post-Christmas deals offered by ISP’s while they last!
Read : New Year, New Deals!With the UK set to leave the EU by the end of January we look at how it will affect Broadband.
Read : How will Brexit affect Broadband?