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Virgin are sweetening up their deals so much you’ll get toothache!

Virgin are sweetening up their deals so much you’ll get toothache!
The UN has warned internet users of handing over their data to ‘big tech’ and accused companies of exploiting the poorest users.
Read : United Nations warns of ‘digital welfare dystopia’BT and O2 are the latest networks to enter the bitter high street 5G battle.
Read : BT and O2 launch 5G in the same week!The upstart ISP embarks on ambitious plan to ensure rural customers have access to full fibre broadband!
Read : Gigaclear undertake costly fibre install UNDER River Severn to reach rural customersNew measures help ISPs sidestep rogue landlords
Read : New rules bring full-fibre to apartment blocksThe rising interest in Cryptocurrency is leaving consumers vulnerable to scams.
Leading global investment firm acquires the majority stake of UK ISP Hyperoptic after they announce plans to quadruple fibre coverage.
Read : Hyperoptic welcomes new investment from KKR.The latest victory in the price wars goes to Post Office with an amazing introductory offer for just over £15 a month!
Read : Post Office officially the UK’s cheapest broadband dealNew deployment methods could make rollouts cheaper and faster.
Read : Openreach trials new full-fibre tech'Everything, Everywhere' live up to the name, extending their ultrafast mobile network to more cities across the UK!
Read : EE wins latest battle in 5G race, announcing further rollouts.BT are offering some amazing freebies with their superfast broadband packages.
TalkTalk street survey finds half of people said they cared more about internet than family.
Read : Do 50% of us care more about broadband than our relationship?Report finds cybercrime threat to increase 70% by 2024!
Read : Cybersecurity breaches on the rise warns research